North Harrison Community Schools – Repave, Seal Coat, Stripe

APC offers full-line asphalt paving maintenance solutions. APC stands ready to construct or repair your area of need whether it is a parking lot, driveway, or roadway.
APC offers a very valuable pavement preventative maintenance program. APC believes sealcoating is an investment worth making that will give you long-term savings and benefits.
APC offers our latest technology advancement for repairing asphalt. We use an Infrared machine to heat up and recycle existing asphalt to eliminate the need of milling, additional equipment and material.
APC’s team brings many years of experience in the construction industry. Our Vice President, Steve Triplett, offers over 3 decades of experience alone. Having a wise leader has helped to develop a sophisticated team. With our knowledge, we are able to properly plan an approach for each project we do. Establishing a budget and a project schedule is crucial to the success of any construction project. When looking ahead, we can determine potential risk factors that could affect your budget or schedule. From the time you first speak with an APC team member to the time your project is completed, we aim to guarantee you satisfaction through all aspects.
APC takes pride in using equipment that allows for the best results. Technology is a tool to accomplish a job better, but only when it produces better results. We are able to apply our continuous knowledge when using equipment to enhance accuracy, timeliness, and cost. Whether we are in the office or out in the field, we make sure that our team is technology-equipped with everything they need to keep the projects moving forward.
At APC we like to envision ourselves as the customer. We offer free quotes because we want to maximize our customer satisfaction by giving them a realistic picture of expected project cost and completion. We strive to understand your needs so that the end result is exactly or better than you expected. APC ensures our employees are putting their time and attention into every detail as if it were their own project.
At APC our quality standards and safety process begin day 1 of the project pre-construction phase and continues throughout the whole project. The protection of our team and our contractors is always the first plan put into action before beginning a project. Executing safely on our projects and delivering a quality job on time and within budget is how APC functions. The final results we deliver speak for themselves.
APC is a full-service contractor. We self-perform all aspects of our projects, making it a very convenient and efficient process for our clients. You do not have to look around for different contractors to fulfill the multiple aspects of your project when you can have us do it all! This will help put your mind at ease with scheduling, quality control, and coordinating. On a typical job site, APC can perform storm drainage improvements, sewer installations, domestic water line installations, dirt work, concrete work, asphalt paving, etc.
Andy Crouch – PE City Engineer, City of Jeffersonville
Samuel Barnes – ITS Operation’s Manager Norfolk Southern
Dirk Gowin – Metro Louisville
Israel Snider – Neace Ventures